Iman || Pre-School Family Day #4

 3/27/17 Old Entry

hi there,

ok, so after finished all games from the kids to the mommies, to the daddies and to the mommies+daddies, now it's the teachers turn.

the committee conduct 2 games for the teachers to participate....

1/ permainan cari gula gula dalam tepung

this was fun.
jom kita kenakan cikgu. hehe

from left to right
cikgu fara, cikgu ika, cikgu rozy and cikgu fiza

everyone was blowing the flour

ok cikgu ....

guess who didn't blow?

yeah! cikgu ika juara.

followed by cikgu rozy

and cikgu fiza

but cikgu fara?????

she didn't blow the flour
hahaha, cikgu fara takut comot eh?

we were like ... ehhhhh mana aci!!!! hehe.
just teasing manja manja.

2nd game pula.
permainan buat loop band

oh, penuh konsentrasi

cikgu rozy and cikgu fiza

rancak cikgu fiza buat

lil' Iman was like 
"mommy, cikgu tu buat apa?"

cikgu ika and cikgu fara

cikgu fara very serious

eh, kenapa cikgu?

guess who win the game?

kids were so thirsty.

yeah! cikgu fiza won.

it's the end of the game.

so we all went back to the hall

party of four.