Iman || Pre-School Family Day #3

 3/27/17 Old Entry

hi there,

so, after the water balloon passing game, we continue with another game. but this time just for 'all the daddies'...

this one was 
permainan pecahkan belon jiran tapi belon sendiri harus dijaga rapi

from so many daddies,

one by one defeated

can you spot where is mr.Husband?

how many daddies left?

everyone were trying hard to poke someone else balloon

top 2

who will win?
the blue or orange balloon?

yeah, the blue balloon won!

next game!

permainan hantar gelung kepada kawan hujung ke hujung tanpa terlepas pegangan tangan

mr.Husband's team was on the right

haha, mcm budak sekolah kan

ok, need some good technique here


and the winner was the opposition ;)

another game, but didn't captured photo of the game since we were involved with that game ... 
it was permainan mommies masukkan air ke dalam cawan daddies sambil mata mommies ditutup. ouch! I'm blind for a second.

and guess what, we won 1st runner up! yeah.

next game

for teachers only!
habislah cikgu dikenakan.