10/25/16 Old Entry
hi there,
so lil' armies is happily playing with their new toys so called PLAYDOH... hari pertama main, bagus ja dorang uli playdoh tu, kaler biru just biru, kaler hitam nust hitam and so on... and dorang start belajar 'design' whatever from their imagination...
mommy, ni giuk
mommy, ni snake
mommy, ni bird bird,
mommy, ni helicopter
mommy this and that....
itu cerita hari pertama bersama playdoh...
happy ja lil' armies main bersama...
and yes, nowadays dorang start suka main bersama, kurang bertengkar... It makes me happy with them now....
so hari kedua main playdoh, they still happy la main bersama, the playdoh tu kan is no longer warna seketul seketul, habis semua dorang campur aduk! but who cares asalkan dorang bermain sambil belajar, tu lagi penting kan kan kan...
collection of our color palettes...
yang ni semua 1 ounce per tube, for beginners it is ok ...
see, the mixed up color! hey, it looks nice what, ngee....
and kalau korang tiada idea how to play with playdoh ni kan, korang boleh belajar dan dapatkan idea di laman web rasmi playdoh www.play-doh.com