Iman || A Week of Pre-School

 3/11/17 Old Entry

hi there,

what a late entry!

I guess many of you know that lil' Iman started schooling just recently. I managed to get him enrolled in Permata Playschool after a month of waiting. the teacher called and asked me to come on 1st March to fill up few forms and explained the what is all about Permata Playschool .

the next day, on 2nd March, it was Thursday, we sent lil' Iman to school for the very 1st time. the night before, we told lil' Iman that he will go to school since he is a 'big boy' now, and every 'big boy' must go to school to study.

lil' Iman got us so many questions about school.

mommy, where is my school?
mommy, why must Iman go to school? *explained to him many many times, but keep asking the same question! what a kid*
mommy, will I have many friends in school?
mommy, do I have teacher in school?
mommy, how about potty potty? *concern so much about toilet, in case he has to do his business*
mommy, is the potty potty in school same like our potty potty? *pointing to our toilet bowl*
mommy, can I eat in school?
mommy, who will feed Iman?
mommy ...
mommy ...
mommy ...

and the questions flowing like a river!

the very 1st day

the very 1st time lil' Iman entered the classroom.
queued for lil' Iman to meet and greet his teacher.
he showed no fear *a good sign to me*

the classroom is clean and neat.
saw few crafts and arts work done by the kids hung on the wall.

the kids' water bottles are neatly arranged on the shelves and the teacher showed lil' Iman to put his bottle on the shelf and later, when he feels thirsty, he can get his bottle.

and yes, I handover lil' Iman's toiletries to his teacher.

This playschool is not only a playschool, but also a nursery, where the teacher will feed and bath all the kids, and for kids who still need to drink milk, the teacher will train the kids to use drinking cup instead of milk bottle.

the school hours is from 8.30 am till 5.30 pm , and open 5 days a week (exclude Sat & Sun and PH) for the whole year, and accept kids age between 2 to 4 years old, but with a quota.

we let lil' Iman to carry his own bag

and he was so happy coming to the school

and he is a bot curious about what's inside his bag
"Iman, there is no drinks or biscuit inside except you water bottle ya"

and yes, bring the blanket and the pillow too!

Iman, are you ok?

so, each morning, the teacher said when we parents sending our kids to the school, we need to sign the kids attendance, and the teacher will take the temperature of the kid, and recorded it in the daily log book.

and if the kids suspected having a fever / flu, the kids need to be sent home to avoid other kids get infected too. hurm, prevention is better than cure, right?

the 3rd Day, and it was Monday
*the weekend fever*

and lil' Iman has a new bag!

it was Monday, and it was lil' Iman 3rd day schooling. and a night before, he kept saying "mommy, Iman tidak mau sekolah" .... grrrr ......

so when morning came, he still chanting his mantera "mommy, Iman tidak mau sekolah" . I bathed him and asked to eat his breakfast and sent him to school ...

- and it was huru-hara di pagi Isnin! -

lil' Iman requested me to tour the town before sending him to school. what a request! so I fulfilled his request, and bought kuih keria for him, and he was so happy to have the kuih keria. and because of that kuih keria, he walked to his school (from the main gate) with a smile, but heavy heart. LOL.

the 5th day
Happy International Women's Day

it was Wednesday, and the teacher asked me to put lil' Iman in red clothes since every Wednesday, the kids will wear their uniform (only wear uniform on Wednesday) and the uniform is red in color.

however, lil' Iman still has no uniform yet, so I put his whatever red clothes he has in his closet. see his face, so happy kan ....but wait till he reached his school!

on the 5th day, I asked mr.Husband to send him to school (and of course lil' Amin and I tagged along, and we were waiting inside the car) .... a day before, Iman cried out loud in front of that door, and the teacher have to dragged him inside. I just let the teacher carried him inside, and I went away. let the teacher do their work, and I put my trust to Allah that the teachers are doing their job righteously.

and on his 5th day schooling, once again just like a day before, he refused to go inside ... but mr.Husband managed to bring him inside (ok, the kids respect their dad more than me), so that's it. 

and later, we came and celebrate his 4th year birthday! yeay.

- celebrating lil' Iman 4th year birthday -

distributing the goodie pack
the day we celebrated his birthday in school, Iman has fever that night, and we didn't send him to school on Thursday and Friday ... 2 hari cuti + 2 hari weekend ! 4 hari cuti oorrrrr

another drama on Monday?
ahhh! I hope not.


Thumbs up pusat permata anak negara membakut
