Amin || Tiarap Kali Pertama 30.3.15

 4/4/15 Old Entry

hi there, mrs pip bangun bangun ja awal pagi itewww (last few days), tengok lil amin dah tiarap sambil buat muka senyum cute ...

*mr.Husband was away, so mrs pip just mms chipumpum photo to him* ....

at the age of 4bulan 9hari, chipumpum dah tiarap ... senang hati mommy tengok our lil'amin dah tiarap, it shows his physical abilities sedang berkembang, and will wait for the next progress ...

sekarang ni, chipumpum dah boleh faham kalau kita panggil his name, dan dah start playing with his fingers main main masuk mulut ....

lepas ni mrs pip will get him a teether so nnt bolehlah dia main teething teething since mrs pip will not give him a teat pacifier ...

grown up well my son ...
