Iman || Let's Gardening

6/17/17 Old Entry

hi there,

As usual, I have to submit lil' Iman's monthly documentation work. eh, ingatkan bab bab assignment ni dah boleh tolak tepi since no more study and retire jadi engineer kan, mak oiii budak playschool pun nowadays WAJIB hantar assignment T_T ... aiseh.

this time, I'll go with the monthly theme. asyik selalu hantar assignment lari dari tema bulanan, theme for this month >>> plants <<< ... since the theme is not so specific, so whatever title about plants will do T_T ...

lil' Iman still quite young, it's hard to explain to him how the tree has its fruit, very science la kan, maybe have to wait when lil' Iman is 6 years old kot baru boleh explain kat dia all these things.

mr.Husband brought lil' Iman to our very small little garden the other day where mr.Husband planted some fruit tree and vegetables, doakan lah pokok buah-buahan kitorang menjadi buahnya yer ...

let's check it out!

watering the cucumber plants

turmeric plant

sweet lime tree (pokok limau manis)

longan tree

tarap tree

dragon fruit tree

guava tree

coconut tree

apple-mango tree

loofah vegetable plants(petola)

chili tree

decorative tree
some called this 'the feng shui tree'

so, that's all for now ... and, since I need to comply with the monthly 4 credit hours, seems like I have one more hour to fulfill the requirement ;( ... I'm thinking spend the one hour in the playschool to teach the kids about making the taugeh ...anyone love taugeh here?  ...

ada sesiapa tak yang tahu macam mana nak buat taugeh gemuk? aiyo, hari tu mrs pip buat eksperimen kan, taugeh tu tak seperti yang dibayangkan :( ... all my taugeh so kurus and panjang2 ... I nak yang gemuk gemuk mcm jual kat pasar tu!

see my taugeh, panjang panjang kurus kan .... nampak tak menarik ;( ... so sesiapa yang ada link tentang pembuatan taugeh gemuk tu, kongsi dengan mrs pip ok. thanksss so much.

p/s: mrs pip dah google, tapi still kalau ada yang dah bereksperimen sendiri berjaya dapatkan taugeh gemuk, share info tau.

have a nice weekend.
